Lab Members

Mark Looney, MD
Mark R. Looney, MD is a Professor of Medicine and Laboratory Medicine and Attending Physician on the Pulmonary Consult Service and the Intensive Care Units at UCSF. He received his undergraduate degree from Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee in 1994 and his medical degree from the University of Tennessee, Memphis in 1998. He then came to UCSF where he completed his residency in Internal Medicine, a fellowship in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, and research training in the Cardiovascular Research Institute.
Research Interests
My lab is broadly focused on innate immune biology in the lung. Thematic areas include neutrophil and platelet biology as applied to a variety of pulmonary disease states including acute lung injury (ALI)/acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), primary graft dysfunction after lung transplantation, and cystic fibrosis. A major interest is the application of multiphoton intravital lung microscopy as a discovery tool to aid in the study of lung biology, including novel studies on the role of the pulmonary circulation in platelet biogenesis and the hematopoietic potential of the lung. Our overall goal is to identify new mechanisms responsible for lung inflammation and injury and to develop novel therapies to combat lung disease.
Catharina Conrad

Farshid Moussavi-Harami

Longhui Qiu

Sarah Seo

Catherine Taylor

Dongliang Zhang

Axelle Caudrillier

Shiyu Chen
Nicholas Kwaan, MD

Emma Lefrancais, PhD

John X. Nguyen

Guadalupe Ortiz-Muñoz

David M. Sayah

Michelle Yu, MD, PhD
I am a Pulmonary and Critical Care Physician-Scientist. My clinical and research specialties are in Cystic Fibrosis lung infection and inflammation. I am the Principal Investigator of a basic science laboratory, and I serve as the Associate Program director of the UCSF Adult Cystic Fibrosis Center. I attend regularly in the ICUs at Parnassus and Mount Zion and am passionate about improving medical education particularly during COVID when our learners have faced unforeseen challenges.