
Reducing noninfectious risks of blood transfusion.


Gilliss BM, Looney MR, Gropper MA

Lung surveillance revealed by two-photon live imaging (103.3).

The Journal of Immunology

Emily Thornton, Mark Looney, Debasish Sen, Dean Sheppard, Xiaozhu Huang, Matthew Krummel

The Leukocyte Antibody Prevalence Study-II (LAPS-II): a retrospective cohort study of transfusion-related acute lung injury in recipients of high-plasma-volume human leukocyte antigen antibody-positive or -negative components.


Kleinman SH, Triulzi DJ, Murphy EL, Carey PM, Gottschall JL, Roback JD, Carrick D, Mathew S, Wright DJ, Cable R, Ness P, Gajic O, Hubmayr RD, Looney MR, Kakaiya RM

Role of CFTR expressed by neutrophils in modulating acute lung inflammation and injury in mice.

Inflammation research : official journal of the European Histamine Research Society ... [et al.]

Su X, Looney MR, Su HE, Lee JW, Song Y, Matthay MA

Experimental models of transfusion-related acute lung injury.

Transfusion medicine reviews

Gilliss BM, Looney MR

Stabilized imaging of immune surveillance in the mouse lung.

Nature methods

Looney MR, Thornton EE, Sen D, Lamm WJ, Glenny RW, Krummel MF

Pathophysiology of transfusion-related acute lung injury.

Current opinion in hematology

Looney MR, Gilliss BM, Matthay MA

Constitutively active endothelial Notch4 causes lung arteriovenous shunts in mice.

American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology

Miniati D, Jelin EB, Ng J, Wu J, Carlson TR, Wu X, Looney MR, Wang RA

Platelet depletion and aspirin treatment protect mice in a two-event model of transfusion-related acute lung injury.

The Journal of clinical investigation

Looney MR, Nguyen JX, Hu Y, Van Ziffle JA, Lowell CA, Matthay MA

Inhaled activated protein C: a novel therapy for acute lung injury?

Critical care (London, England)

Liu KD, Looney MR, Matthay MA

Receptor for advanced glycation end-products (RAGE) is an indicator of direct lung injury in models of experimental lung injury.

American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology

Su X, Looney MR, Gupta N, Matthay MA

Neutrophil sandwiches injure the microcirculation.

Nature medicine

Looney MR, Matthay MA

CD47 deficiency protects mice from lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury and Escherichia coli pneumonia.

Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)

Su X, Johansen M, Looney MR, Brown EJ, Matthay MA

The role of protein C in sepsis.

Current infectious disease reports

Looney MR, Matthay MA

Microarray analysis of a mouse model of transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) reveals prominent increased expression of neutrophil-derived chemokines.

The FASEB Journal

Mark R Looney, Rebecca Barbeau, Andrea Barczak, Yuanyuan Xiao, Clifford A Lowell, David J Erle, Michael A Matthay

Transfusion-related acute lung injury in the paediatric patient: Two case reports and a review of the literature.

Transfusion medicine (Oxford, England)

Church GD, Price C, Sanchez R, Looney MR

Neutrophils and their Fc gamma receptors are essential in a mouse model of transfusion-related acute lung injury.

The Journal of clinical investigation

Looney MR, Su X, Van Ziffle JA, Lowell CA, Matthay MA

Animal models of transfusion-related acute lung injury.

Critical care medicine

Looney MR, Matthay MA

Decreased expression of both the alpha1- and alpha2-subunits of the Na-K-ATPase reduces maximal alveolar epithelial fluid clearance.

American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology

Looney MR, Sartori C, Chakraborty S, James PF, Lingrel JB, Matthay MA

Transfusion-related acute lung injury: a review.


Looney MR, Gropper MA, Matthay MA
